The Rat Terrier not only comes
in 3 sizes but also two body types. Rats that have a square, long leg look
are shown as Class A. Rat Terriers that have a shorter leg length
in proportion to body are shown as Class B. The following standards will
apply to both classes with the exception of the difference in body to leg
length (shown below) also see (Body Standards). These are two separate
and unique body styles for the Rat Terrier and to keep them this way, it
is recommended that they never be bred together. They have been with the
Rat since their American existence, and there are no differences other
than body style. Both Class A and B dogs share all of the same wonderful
rat terrier traits. To deny either style would be to taint the existence
of the breed.
CLASS A 10:10/10:9 RATIO
CLASS B 10:8/10:7 RATIO
CLASS A - Height is approximately the same to length,
measured from ground to withers and from point of shoulder to rump, length
not to exceed 1 1/2" from height. For example if your dog is 12 " long,
it should measure no less than 10 1/2" in height. Fault: excessive barrel
chest or round body.
CLASS B - the shorter leg type, body length not
to exceed 3 " or less than 1 3/4" from height. For example if your dog
measures 12" in length, its height should fall between 9"- 10 1/4". Fault:
excessive barrel chest or round body.
BACK: (Topline) Level, straight and strong. Tail set
high coming right off the back.
Toys 10lbs. or less (Tots under 5lbs.) Height - not to
exceed 12 inches
Mini over 10lbs up to 18lbs. Height - not to exceed 15
Standard over 18lbs up to 28lbs. Height - not to exceed
18 inches (measured from the withers to the ground)