Visual Identification of your dog's color genes
     This section is written for the sole purpose of helping those that are interested in learning how to identify what color genes your dog is definitely carrying. It is most useful to breeders who are attempting to breed for specific colors. For example purposes we have listed only a few gene combinations that can be produced from a mating.

                (atb) Chocolate                       (ayB) Tan

 (at) Black & Tan
     By looking at your dog you will be able to identify some of the genes that he is carrying. (A Series) genes: If your dog is black and white, blue and white, chocolate or red and white (with a chocolate or red nose), lemon and white, or Weimaraner Gray/Pearl, without any tan markings or solid in any of these colors, he carries the (A) gene.   If your dog is tan and white, redtan and white, fawn and white, without tan point markings, or solid of these colors, your dog carries the (ay) gene. When he carries only the (at) gene your dog's color will be black and tan, or Tri (example black, white and tan) in any color. A dog that has the (at) gene in double dose always has tan markings. If your dog is sable, tan  with black hairs running down its back or around its face and head, it carries the (ayat) gene.

(B Series):
If your dog has a black nose, regardless of its color, he carries the (B) gene. If
it is  chocolate or red in color with a chocolate nose it carries the (b) gene.

(C Series):
When your dog's color stays relatively constant through out life he carries the
(C) gene. The (Cch) gene considerably lightens the color of tans and
yellows to a crème or almost white color starting soon after birth.

(D Series):
If your dog is black, white, red, tan, sable, fawn, chocolate, with or without white or tan markings, your dog carries the (D) gene. If your dog is blue, silver, apricot, lemon, crème or charcoal, with or without white or tan markings he has the (d) gene and the coat always has the appearance of being flat or dull in color.

(E Series):
If your dog has a black mask he carries the (Em) gene. Dogs that are blacks, blues, tans, chocolates, silver, or white, with or without white or tan markings carry the (E) gene. A dog that carries the (ebr) gene is Brindle (Tiger striped pattern). If your dog is lemon or clear red with a black nose it carries the (e) gene. You will not see any black hairs on the dog's coat.

 (Em) Black Mask
(ebr) Brindle
(S Series):
If your dog is solid or black and tan, or Bi in any color (without any white color) on the coat he carries the (S) gene. When white markings only appear in any or all of the following areas: chest, collar, blaze, boots or toes and tip of tail, the dog carries the (si) gene. The (si) gene does not appear as patches of white. The (sp) gene produces patches of color or blankets of color on the dog's coat. A dog with the (sw) gene will be solid white or may have color only on its head or base of tail. Examples of (si) and (sp) dogs shown on next page.
(si) Irish Spotting White
(sp) Piebald White
(T Series): 
A dog that has "freckles" on its coat or skin carries the (T) gene
called Ticking. They may not appear at birth but slowly start to 
appear as the dog gets older. There can be a large amount almost 
covering the dog or very little appearing only in certain areas. A 
dog that does not have ticking carries the (t) gene
 (T) Ticking
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